Moral Stories For Kids | Katie Caterpillar Finds Her Song

Every Creature Has a Unique Gift, as Every Animal and Tree in the Forest Knows

If you are looking for great moral stories for kids, Katie Caterpillar Finds Her Song is a stellar example:

“I wish I knew My song to sing. Then I would know who I am, and what special gift I have to share here on Mother Earth. I know!” Katie wiggled her little body with excitement. “I’ll go around to my Nature friends and listen to their songs, too. Maybe a memory will be sparked, and I’ll remember mine.”

“Great idea! Good luck,” said Pamela Pine Tree, waving the ends of her branches as a goodbye.

Katie carefully climbed off her leaf and wriggled and crawled down Miranda’s trunk. Just before she reached the ground, she looked down and saw a young painted turtle crawling by.

“Hello. My name’s Katie,” she called down. “What’s your name?” The turtle looked up, startled.

“Oh. Hi. I didn’t see you. My name’s Tommy Turtle.”

“I’m listening to everyone’s songs, so I can remember my own. What’s your song?”

“Hmmm. I’ll curl up in my shell and ….” Tommy’s head, neck, and legs disappeared inside his shell. After a bit, his head and legs popped out. “I’ve got it,” he said.

Tommy Turtle’s Song

I crawl upon the ground,
Hugging Mother Earth.
A steady pace I’ve found
Gives danger a wide berth.
If fox or hawk arrives,
I know just what to do:
Bring head and legs inside —
Retreat is what I choose.
Some creatures flee or fight.
My way is to be still.
No anger or big fright,
Peace is the role I fill.

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Katie Caterpillar Finds Her Song


“‘I wish I knew my song to sing. Then I would know who I am, and that special gift I have to share here on Mother Earth. I know! I’ll go around to my Nature friends and listen to their songs, too. Maybe a memory will be sparked, and I’ll remember mine.’”

Katie Caterpillar listens to Pamela Pine Tree, Tommy Turtle, Felicia Fawn, and Bright-Eyes the Eagle sing their songs until Mother Nature gives her a chrysalis….

“Thank you. God, that I came to be my Self, changed from a worm to butterfly….”

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