Moral Story for Kids | Grandma and I

Spanish/English, A Nicaraguan Grandma Shares With Her Grandson How To Eat Healthily

If you are looking for a great moral story for kids, then look no further:

As we went from house to house on the dirt road, she used to tell us about all the plants and fruits that we passed by.

“Pineapples and papayas make your tummy feel happy when you eat them,” she would say.

I helped her in the kitchen to prepare the fruits. “Duglas, please bring me a banana,” Grandma Petrona would say.

Because I ate lots of fruits and vegetables, I was a strong boy.

Andábamos de casa a casa a cada Lado de la vieja carretera, nos hablaba sobre Las plantas y las frutas durante el víaje.

“Las píñas y las papayas hacen que tu estomago se sienta felÍz cuando se comen,” decía ella.

Yo la ayudaba en la cocína. “Duglas, por favor tráeme un plátano,” mi abuelita Petrona decía.

Porque uo comí muchas frutas y verduras, yo era un muchacho fuerte.

Be Entertained And Learn Something With This Great Moral Story For Kids!

Grandma and I


My husband and I are sitting around a small table with our friend Duglas Lomar, having lunch at El Cafe Paraiso in Granada, Nicaragua. Suddenly, above Duglas’s head, a vision appears of an older woman with a round, brown-skinned face wrapped in a black head scarf …

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