Life After Death Book |Echoes Of A Vision Of Paradise If You Cannot Remember You Will Return Volume 2

This life after death book will answer those questions you’ve always had about what happens next.

When you touched me last night,
Light as leaves,
Here and there,
On the landscape of eternity,
I felt my-Self swimming
Somewhere above the bed,
As if we had both fallen through the portal
Of God’s Heart
Imprinted on our spreading Soul –
Glistening like watery light

Find The Answer To Questions You’ve Always Had In This Life After Death Book!

How do we view the moment and move consciously over its range and scope, incorporating larger portions of the fractional and temporal existential experience coherently and orderly into an oneness that brings a sense of completeness and complimentarity enriching our lives? Moreover, how do we bring inwardly a similar experience over its range and scope, integrating larger portions of the eternal existential experience with coherence and orderliness into an oneness that brings a further sense of completeness and complimentarity of our journey towards God?

How does my moment enhance yours?

How the moment enraptures and removes us from sensing the larger aspect of the reality experienced! We are never consciously affected by our rotating position in a revolving, spherical globe. Blind to its effects, we are unaware of the characteristics of its larger structure and significance.

Echoes Of A Vision Of Paradise: If You Cannot Remember You Will Return Volume 2

life after death book

This ascension may be greatly accelerated when accomplished in a divine relationship, an eternal companionship created originally by God between the two Soul-possessing Spirit beings in the beginning that has no beginning.

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